Digital Video – Illinois Institute of Art. Special Projects.

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In this class students learned how to record, edit and share documentary-style video. Our host was designer, executive chef and restaurateur Bruno Abate, pioneer in the food industry in Chicago. Project Based Learning required critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication. In order to create high-quality work, students need to do much more than remember information. They need to use higher-order thinking skills and learn to work as a team.

Basic Topic Covered:

● How are questions formulated for a video interview?
● What is the proper video set up for an interview?
● What are the proper lighting and audio considerations for video interviews?
● What is the difference between a dramatic and factual story for video?
● What is a commercial, and how does it differ from a Public Service Announcement?
● What is a Focus Statement and how is it used to help create a story?
● What is a storyboard and how is it used to organize and plan a story?

● What are the basic camera shots and angles along with framing heights?
● What is a video sequence, how are wide, medium and tight shots incorporated into
● What is zoom, pan and tilt and how are they used in getting video camera shots?
● What are the basic operational techniques you need to know to operate a video

Canon EOS 5D_20100129_155421.Id_3806254

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